Change language settings to use Topvisor in your preferred language. You can select and set a preferred language later in the Account settings. Change language settings to use Topvisor in your preferred language. ru Русский Apply


Clipboard is a short-term data storage used for keyword export to a file and transfer to another project.

To copy keywords to the clipboard, complete as follows:

  1. Pick a project to export data.
  2. Move to the Keywords page.
  3. Switch to the Advanced mode.
  4. Pick one or several keyword groups to copy to clipboard.
  5. Pick one or several keywords to copy to clipboard.
  6. Press CTRL-C (или CMD-C for Mac) on the keyboard.
  7. Press Copy.

You can paste data from clipboard into a keyword import window or to any text editor. To complete, open a text editor and press CTRL‑V (or CMD‑V for Mac) on the keyboard.