On April 1st the Rank and Index Checkers price will grow by 2 kop. for a keyword on XS Pricing Plan. But for you the price won't change for now!
We've frozen old prices till June 1st for all accounts, active in 2025.
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Search Volume. Data sources (Yandex and Google)

Search volume checker pulls search volume data from two sources:

  • Yandex Wordstat (via Yandex Direct API);
  • Google Keyword Planner (via Google Ads API).

Yandex Wordstat

In Wordstat, volume is a "predicted number of impressions per month that you can expect if you use this search term as a keyword." The statistics are shown for the last 30 days up to the date of the update and are collected from all keywords made through Yandex's main search, including Yandex's national search domains (ua/by/com.tr), as well as Yandex's mobile search. Wordstat doesn't account keywords entered by users fewer than 5 times.

What do different operators and matching types mean

In Topvisor volume can be checked in five different match types:

  • Volume;
  • "Volume";
  • "!Volume";
  • "[Volume]";
  • "[!Volume]".

Operators are used to define the conditions for displaying ads and to limit the number of keywords that meet the conditions set by the operators. For example, if you check Volume type (without operators), you'll see data for all keywords that include the original keyword in any grammatical case and with any word order.

Operator «""»

Allows to view the volume only for those words that are specified in the keyword, but with any word form. For example, a keyword "tickets to New York" will make the ad show up if the search keyword is identical to "tickets to New York", "ticket New York:", "New York to Ticket" etc. But phrases like "tickets New York buy online" won't trigger an ad.

Operator «!»

Fixes the grammatical form (plural/singular, capitalization, etc.).

Operator «[]»

Fixes the word order in a search keyword.

Different operators can be combined. For example, if you check "[!Volume]" for the keyword "how to wash a cat," the volume will be checked only for keywords that include these words without changing their form and in this exact word order. If you check the general Volume for the keyword "how to wash a cat," the volume data will include information not only for the keyword "how to wash a cat," but also for keywords like "how to cat wash" (with a different word order), "how to wash cats" (with changed word form), "how to wash a cat and not to die" (with additional words), and so on.

I compared volume in Topvisor and in Wordstat, and it doesn't match. Why?
Make sure that you've selected locations and volume types you checked for display, and that you're checking the volume in Wordstat with the same operators. When checking the volume, we also automatically add the "+" operator to prepositions and other function words; however, in Topvisor we do not recommend adding a plus to keywords. For example, if in your project you checked "[!Volume]" for the keyword "buy apartment in California," then to check the data in Wordstat, you should enter the keyword as: "[!buy !apartment +in !California]".

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner displays the number of average monthly searches for the selected location for the past 12 months.

Google Ads supports three match types that trigger an ad. But Google Keyword planner pulls search volume data for the [Exact] match only.

  • [Exact] — search word exactly matches the keyword or is a close variant of it;
  • Broad — search phrase may include typos, synonyms, similar phrases or other relevant variants.
  • "Phrase" — search phrase has to include a phrase inside quotation marks and may include some additional words.
I checked volume on Google and I see a number, but in Google Keyword Planner I have a range displayed. Why is that?
Google Keyword Planner displays the data as a range, but we get the volume via API, and it returns the exact values. However, they must be within the range that is displayed when checking manually — this means that the data is correct.
I checked the volume, but it's 0. Although I'm sure that keyword is popular. Is this a bug?
If your search phrase is related to a prohibited topic, its volume will be 0. According to AdWords policy, advertising services and products that can harm health (such as weapons, tobacco, substances that can cause altered states of consciousness, etc.) is prohibited, and advertising of cryptocurrencies and other financial services is restricted. This means that Google hides the volume for such keywords. In Topvisor, when checking such keywords, their volume will be 0.

Data update

The volume is periodically outdated, and we recommend updating it at least once a month. But this is not necessary, and you can use outdated volume values. You can manage the checking of outdated data using the following options:

  • Skip collected search volume data if the checkbox is ticked, keywords with the updated volume won't be checked. Use this option if, for example, you checked the volume and then added new keywords to the project;
  • Update expired search volume if the checkbox is ticked and the volume on keyword is outdated, it'll be rechecked. Untick the box not to double‑check the volume of keywords, if they have at least some volume loaded from the common volume database after checking by other users. However, such a volume may be very old and lose relevance. We do not recommend relying on such data for analysis.


Yandex volume data is updated every few days. Wordstat shows statistics for the last 30 days before the update date, which is displayed under the search bar.

Available sources, Data update: Yandex.Direct (Yandex.Wordstat)

The same date is displayed in the volume check window to the right of the Yandex Wordstat source. Hover over the cursor to see the update date. The volume checked before the update date is considered outdated.

Available sources, Data update: Yandex.Direct (Yandex.Wordstat)


Google doesn't have a specific date for updating data, as Yandex does, so the conditional period of volume relevance in Google — 1 month.