Sitemap autorefresh feauture

Sitemap autorefresh tool crawls sitemap pages to find changes. The tool sends alerts to your Email address or displays them in the Notification center.

If, for some reasons, your sitemap changes, the tool sends an alert message to your account Email address and/or displays it in the Notification center.

To view pages that were added or deleted from a sitemap, move to the Sitemap page and select Added or Deleted.

Each update rewrites a previous update. For example, if yesterday the tool detected that 200 pages were added, then you removed 300 pages and run the tool today, the tool will display the results of the last check. So, the information about 200 added pages will be rewritten with 300 removed pages from the last check.

Autorefresh. Settings

To schedule sitemap autorefresh, complete as follows:

  1. Create a project or pick one from the list.
  2. Press to move to the Project settings.
  3. Move to the Tools tab and select List of URLs.
  4. Schedule autorefresh: "On days of week" or "On dates" (1).
  5. Add a Sitemap.xml path (2) and a Max page count (3).
  6. Check a box near Sitemap (4).

Maximum page count (MAX)

As a result of an CMS failure, a number of pages, for example, 1000 extra pages, can be added to your sitemap. With scheduled autorefresh, all new pages will be imported to your sitemap. The total import cost depends on the page count. Make sure to set a maximum page count to prevent an accident money loss.

Import of updated pages

We can automatically import an updated sitemap to related tools. You'll be able to track all new pages or stop tracking deleted pages on auto‑pilot.

By default, the tool uses ^/.*$ as a rule to search and scan pages. It means that the tool will scan ALL pages to detect any added or deleted pages and to add or delete them from a sitemap.

You may need to track only specific website parts. For example, you'd like to track a catalog or any other sections. To scan only particular website sections, use a rule for a particular website section.

For example, if you need to track pages of and categories, use the following rule: ^/page/page_(1|2)/.*$