Sitemap (generator, autorefresh)
Sitemap (sitemap.xml) is a file with a list of website pages. Sitemap informs search engines of the pages you'd like to index, when they were last updated, how often they should be re‑crawled and their priority against other pages of your website. Sitemap.xml helps web crawlers scan all pages of your website and correctly determine the webpage priority.
To submit sitemap.xml to search engines, type in your file URL in the search engine dashboards (Google Search Console, Bing — Webmaster Tools, etc.) and add a string in robots.txt as follows:
Topvisor Sitemap (sitemap.xml) tool includes two features: Sitemap and Sitemap scheduled autorefresh.
Sitemap generator
Use a Sitemap generator if your CMS doesn't support building of a complete up‑to‑date sitemap.xml. Keep a generated sitemap up‑to‑date by refreshing it from time to time.
Sitemap autorefresh
Sitemap autorefresh crawls sitemap pages to detect possible changes. The tool sends alerts to your Email address or displays them in the Notification center.
Use Sitemap autorefresh to manage the related tools: Website Audit tool, Index checker, Website Watcher.