How to sort and filter keywords

To build custom reports you can sort keywords, for example, by search volume, or hide keywords using filters. You can export the resulting reports in any format.

How to export a report →

How to sort and filter keywords

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. ClickSort orFilter.
  3. Select a necessary option.
How can I see keywords that don't have target URLs assigned to them?
UseFilter to see where you need to assign a target URL or check for a match to a ranked one. Read more about target links →

Save sorting inKeywords 📑
The sorting from Rank Tracker is not saved when you switch to another tool. To save sorting, make it in the Keywords section.
How to sort and filter keywords and groups in Keywords →
To sort by search volume, you can click on the word Volume in the table.
If Volume's option Global is enabled, keywords will be sorted by Global Search Volume 🌍
If you enable Global Volume display and did a sorting, keywords will be sorted by Global search volume.

Types of sorting

  • Alphabetically (A‑Z, Z‑A);
  • By volume (9‑1, 1‑9);
  • By target URL (keywords with target URLs would be on top, then keywords would be sorted alphabetically by URLs);
  • By relevant URL / URL ranked in SERP (keywords with no ranked URLs would be on top, then keywords would be sorted alphabetically by URLs);
  • By matching of target URL and URL ranked in SERP;
  • By rankings dynamics over period (might come in handy for finding keywords that got ranked or bounced from Top);
  • By default (reset the applied sorting).

How to sort keywords by rankings

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Click on the check date.
  3. Click the date again to change the sort order.

How to sort keywords by traffic

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Click on the number of visits in the cell with check date.
  3. Click the number of visits again to change the sort order.

How to filter keywords

By tags

Select tags in the toolbar to see keywords with those tags in Rank Tracker. You can use tags to filter keywords regardless off groups.

By volatility of rank change

Rankings can slightly change, which prevents you from finding keywords which ranks changed drastically. To hide keywords with slightly changed ranks, hover over the dynamics filter and enter the desired value.

Rank Tracker: by changing ranks

By taking part in checks

New keywords can interfere with metrics analysis in Summary, so you can hide them. Select Hide keywords added within the applied period to hide keywords that did not take part in both extreme (the first and the last) checks of the period.

Rank Tracker: by participating in checks