On April 1st the Rank Checker price will grow by 2 kop. for a keyword on XS Pricing Plan. But for you the price won't change for now!
We've frozen old prices till June 1st for all accounts, active in 2025.
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How to track rankings

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Click on the toolbar.
  3. Press Check Rankings in pop-up window.

Rank Tracking and interface: how to track rankings

What different buttons mean

  • — check is not in progress. You can check rankings at any time.
  • — project is in the check queue. Wait for the check to finish.

How to check rankings in one group/folder, SE and location

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Select search engine, location, folder and group on the toolbar.
  3. Click on the toolbar.
  4. Select Apply filter and check rankings in pop‑up window.
  5. Press Check Rankings.
How do I check rankings in multiple groups?
Put several groups in one folder and check rankings of the folder applying filter.

How to check rankings in multiple projects

  1. Go to Projects list.
  2. Hover over the site's favicon and tick the projects you want or select all projects.
  3. Clickon the toolbar.
  4. Press Check in pop‑up window.

How to schedule rank tracking

  1. Go to Projects list.
  2. Click on the project toolbar.
  3. Set up or edit a rank tracking schedule.

Rank Tracking: how to schedule rank tracking

With scheduled rank tracking rankings will be checked in all active SE, locations and groups 🗃
With a schedule the entire project is checked. It means rankings are checked in all active groups, search engines and locations in the project.

How to check rankings in multiple SE and locations

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Switch to a location compare mode.
  3. Click Selected locations
  4. Tick locations to check. You can also select a folder and a keywords group.
  5. Click on the toolbar.
  6. Select Apply filter and check rankings in the popup window.
  7. Press Check Rankings.

How to recheck rankings for one keyword

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Hover over a keyword and press

How to delete a check

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Hover over the check date.
  3. Click Delete.
The reports can't be restored ⛔
Data will be deleted for all SE, locations and competitors.