How to add and set up search engines and locations
When you search for something in the search engine, it automatically defines your region to show more relevant results (this is called geotargeting). Therefore, to check rankings, you need to add a search engine and a location (in some search engines language plays that role). The number of SE and locations that can be added to a project is unlimited, but Youtube, App Store and Google Play can only be added to a project with a specific URL.
Search engines we support
- Google (all regional domains) + mobile search;
- Yandex (regional domains ru, ua, by, kz ) + mobile search;
- + mobile search;
- + mobile search;
- Bing;
- Seznam;
- Youtube;
- App Store;
- Google Play.
How to add search engine and location
On Rank Tracker page
- Go toRank Tracker.
- Clickon the toolbar.
- PressSearch engines and locations in the drop‑down list.
- Pick search engine and add regions in the input field Locations.
In Project Settings
- Go toSettings.
- Press Search engines.
- Pick search engine and click Add.
- Enter a location and choose it in drop‑down list. Press +Location to add multiple locations.
Add both search engine and location 🧭
You can check rankings only if you add both search engine and location. If you add only a search engine, you won't be able to launch a check.
You can check rankings only if you add both search engine and location. If you add only a search engine, you won't be able to launch a check.
I want to add a state, but I don't see it in the drop-down list. You don't allow to add states?
You can add a state by its code. Code is lr parameter, which defines location in Yandex (you can add locations in Google by the very same code). For example, you can add New York state (not the city) by the code 29349.
We advise not to check rankings in such regions, because they are technical. It means users don't search in such regions because they are not set up automatically. You need to preform special actions to see SERP in them, e.g. in Yandex you need to change lr parameter in browser address bar.
You still can use them to analyze general trend, but it's better to add real locations (cities). Remember, your ranking in the USA location can be one and it might be another in San Francisco and Tallahassee.
We advise not to check rankings in such regions, because they are technical. It means users don't search in such regions because they are not set up automatically. You need to preform special actions to see SERP in them, e.g. in Yandex you need to change lr parameter in browser address bar.
You still can use them to analyze general trend, but it's better to add real locations (cities). Remember, your ranking in the USA location can be one and it might be another in San Francisco and Tallahassee.
I can't add the Crimea and its cities in Google, what's the problem?
Google imposed sanctions on the Crimea, and search and ads are not available there. You can add the Crimea only in Yandex.
How to change the order of locations
On Rank Tracker page
- Go toRank Tracker.
- Clickon the toolbar.
- Drag and drop location with a mouse cursor.
In the Project Settings
- Go toSettings.
- Press Search engines.
- Drag and drop location with a mouse cursor. You can drag and drop search engines as well.