Keyword grouping (clustering) options

To explain how clustering works, let's imagine our project has three keywords: A, B, and C. First, we check the volume ("!Volume" in Yandex) for all keywords and sort them from highest to lowest. Let's say keyword A has a volume of 100, keyword B — 50, and keyword C — 30.

Next, we collect the Top 10 websites in search results for each keyword. We'll refer to these results as results A, results B, and results C. The next stage involves comparing URLs in these Top results with each other. The clustering level determines the principle of URL comparison.


The Clustering tool finds the most popular keyword and compares the TOP-10 search results displayed for this keyword with the TOP-10 results displayed for the other keywords by the number of matching URLs. If the number of these URLs matches the selected grouping level, the keywords are banded up together. All keyword within a group are related to the most popular keyword, but they are not necessarily related to each other (will not necessarily have matching URLs).


The Clustering tool finds the most popular keyword and compares the TOP‑10 search results displayed for this keyword with the TOP‑10 results displayed for the other keywords by the number of matching URLs. At the same time, it compares all keywords with each other. If the number of these URLs matches the selected grouping level, the keywords are banded up together. Each keyword within a group will have a related keyword with matching URLs. But two different pairs of keywords will not necessarily have matching URLs.


The Clustering tool finds the most popular keyword and compares the TOP‑10 search results displayed for this keyword with the TOP‑10 results displayed for the other keywords by the number of matching URLs. At the same time, it compares all keywords to each other and all matching URLs in the related pairs. If the number of these URLs matches the selected grouping level, the keywords are banded up together. All keywords within a group will be related to each other and will have the same matching URLs.

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