How to switch to a different Pricing Plan or unsubscribe from Pricing Plan

You can change your plan any time, but your current plan will remain active until it expires. For example, you subscribed to the S plan on November 10 and changed it to М it on December 1. In this case, the S plan will be active until December 10, then it will be changed to М.

How to change a plan

  1. Go to Billing and click on the active plan.
  2. Click change a pricing plan and select next plan.
  3. Click Change plan.

How to switch to a different Pricing Plan or unsubscribe from Pricing Plan: How to change a plan

I ran out of money on the Pricing Plan. I want to switch to a different plan, but it says that the next charge won't be soon. What should I do?
If you spent all funds in you Pricing plan account, top up your balance as an individual or a company. Discount is valid as long as subscription is activated. And when it ends, a new plan will be activated.

How to unsubscribe from the plan

  1. Go to Billing and click on the active plan.
  2. Click Cancel subscription.

How to switch to a different Pricing Plan or unsubscribe from Pricing Plan: How to unsubscribe from the plan