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Method description

Use the method to get a Website Watcher report summary for the applied dates.

Method parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
project_id int project ID
watcher_types set (title, description, h1, content, code) See a description of values here
check_id int ID of the check
show_counts_changes boolean Add the number of changes grouped by type to the results 0

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Returned data

Parameter Type Description
result (object)
counts_changes_by_type object An object with information on the number of changes grouped by type
code array(int) The number of pages with HTTP code changes
content array(int) The number of pages with content changes
description array(int) The number of pages with description changes (description meta tag)
h1 array(int) The number of pages with H1 header changes (h1 tag)
title array(int) The number of pages with title changes (title tag)