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Topvisor SDK: PHP

topvisorSDK v2 (zip)

System requirements

  • PHP 5.4 or above
  • cURL (php libcurl)

Getting started


  • Place SDK outside the website root
  • Restrict external access to the config.php file (e.g. using a browser address bar)

For the safety reasons, do not proceed to the next steps, until you complete the above steps.

Specify authorization parameters in the config.php file:


Namespace SDK: TopvisorSDKV2.

Linking SDK files to your scripts:

	use TopvisorSDKV2 as TV;

	// replace "..." with a path to the autoload.php file if you use composer

	// write a path to SDK Topvisor, if you don't use composer

	use TopvisorSDKV2 as TV;

Basic objects

  • Session - set session
  • Fields - additional class to work with the fields
  • Pen - create request
  • Page - results page
