search suggestions

Search Suggestions Tool

Find out what users are looking for and add these keywords to your semantic core. Increase your search traffic by using topical keywords.
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4 sources: Yandex, Google, Bing, YouTube

4 sources: Yandex, Google, Bing, YouTube

Simplify the parsing of search suggestions and cover all possible promotion websites. This will help your website stay fresh and relevant, as well as get into the top search results for keywords that are not yet available in Wordstat.
Lead over your competitors

Lead over your competitors

The search engine analyzes and highlights the keys that are topical at a given time. Find out what users are looking for right now and use this data to promote your content to the top search engines faster than others.
Make local SEO more efficient

Make local SEO more efficient

Search keywords vary depending on the location, country and city. Consider geo‑dependent keywords in parsing to always keep the semantics relevant to a specific audience.
Choose the keywords' length you need

Choose the keywords' length you need

The robot types keywords into the search bar and collects the search suggestions that appear. Then it can once again drive the collected hints into the search and collect keywords with longer "tails". This is the depth. With a depth of 3, you'll receive the longest keywords with the lowest volume that can be promising in terms of promotion costs.
4 methods

4 methods

Increase the depth of analysis and relevance of semantics and use the addition of letters, numbers and spaces to collect. This will help expand the semantic core and identify new search keywords suggestions Life hack
API for all tools. For free. On all pricing plans.
Pull data from Topvisor wherever you need with simple API. Available on all pricing plans! Try out how it works in API Explorer. API documentation
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We've proved that we are the best
The best service for tracking rankings

The best service for tracking rankings

Topvisor was recognized as the best ranking analysis and monitoring service at Baltic Digital Days conference and received the #BDD 2024 award.
Top 3 best SEO Services

Top 3 best SEO Services

Topvisor entered the top three SEO services for analytics according to SeoNews website in 2022.
The Apostol Award

The Apostol Award

Topvisor's Telegram channel received bronze of the Apostol Award in 2023 in the nomination "Brand Media".
Already using another service?

Already using another service?

Switch to Topvisor with ease! We'll transfer your projects from another service for free and import the semantics while keeping the groups intact. We’ll provide an initial ranking check for all transferred projects! Transfer projects
XS No discount
S -10%
M -15%
L -20%
XL -30%
No discount on Topvisor tools
$0 per month
You save 10% on Topvisor tools
$29 per month
You save 15% on Topvisor tools
$89 per month
You save 20% on Topvisor tools
$299 per month
You save 30% on Topvisor tools
$599 per month
Search volume tool
Competitor research
Keyword research
+ ¢0.0025
+ ¢0.0023
+ ¢0.0021
+ ¢0.002
+ ¢0.0017
Search suggestions tool
Link shortener
Number of projects and keywords
Number of Guest accounts
Reports branding
Need help with collecting keywords suggestions? Contact us ⚡️

Need help with collecting keywords suggestions? Contact us ⚡️

If you do not know which depth or method to choose, contact us via a ticket on the website, Telegram bot, email or our social media groups — anywhere. We'll quickly answer any question and explain how the tool works. Contact us